Seasonal migration and habitat use of Chain Pickerel in George Lake, Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site
*Félixe E. Sauriol1, Brandon R. Nilsen2, Trevor S. Avery3
1Biology Department, Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia
2Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site, Maitland Bridge, Nova Scotia
3Biology and Mathematics & Statistics Departments, Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia
Chain Pickerel Esox niger Lesueur, 1818, is a highly invasive predatory fish that poses a significant threat to the ecological integrity of freshwater ecosystems in Nova Scotia, Canada. While its trophic impacts and life cycle have been studied, its movement patterns and habitat use remain poorly understood, despite the potential for both to inform future management strategies. To address this knowledge gap, 61 individuals (ranging 31–62 cm TL) were captured in George Lake and were surgically implanted with acoustic transmitters. Thirty of these individuals were tagged in 2021 and provided preliminary tracking data for a 12-month period, revealing various movement behaviors between individuals and between seasons, such as extended summer migrations beyond George Lake, and periods of inactivity in the winter. Distinct habitat use was also observed between individuals.
Keywords: Acoustic telemetry, invasive species, ichthyology