About Us

The Mersey Tobeatic Research Institute (MTRI) is a co-operative of land owners and researchers working together with a common mission and vision.  MTRI operates a field station in Kempt, Queens County, Nova Scotia which provides office work space and basic accommodations for researchers carrying out studies in the area.  The field station includes bunks and a full kitchen, two indoor bathrooms and a shower, wireless internet, garden, a specimen freezer, and parking.  It is also equipped with five green technologies which - in combination with energy conservation measures - have helped us reduce our power consumption by more than 50%!

Renovated Field Station

MTRI Mission:

To promote sustainable use of natural resources and biodiversity conservation in the Southwestern Nova Biosphere Reserve (SNBR) and beyond through research, education, and the operation of a field station.


MTRI's Vision:

Prosperous and knowledgeable human communities in the SNBR where decisions with biodiversity implications are: well-informed by research; where species are not at risk; where there is landscape and aquatic connectivity; healthy forests and healthy aquatic ecosystems.



MTRI was incorporated as a co-operative in 2004 and purchased a 3-acre field station in 2006.  The field station was renovated and expanded in 2010.  MTRI has developed a reputation as a top-notch research and education co-operative within and beyond its rural community and has grown its program, revenue, and staff steadily since its inception.

Members and Partners:

More than 600 members and 30 partners make up the co-operative, which is still growing.


Board of Directors:

The non-profit co-operative's Board of Directors balances contributions from the public, landowners, industry, educators, and three levels of government.


Volunteer Committees:

MTRI has five committees in addition to its Board of Directors which are made up of members of the co-operative. To learn more about the committees or become a volunteer or member, contact us.


Corporate CV:

If you would like to see our curriculum vitae, let us know.


Facilities Rentals:

MTRI offers rental of desk space, meeting room and shared accomodations.  Click here for more information.