The Atlantic Coastal Plain Flora are a unique group of plants that share a range along the eastern seaboard between the Atlantic Ocean and Appalachian mountains. The ranges of about one hundred of these plants extend into Nova Scotia where they occupy a variety of habitats from Lakeshore, Bogs, Forests Saltmarshes and Dunes. In 2010 MTRI and partners initiated the Atlantic Coastal Plain Flora Atlas project with sought to engage the public in mapping out ACPF communities in great detail on high priority lakes through botanical surveys, habitat characterization, volunteer involvement, water quality monitoring and threats monitoring. That successful project has been expanded starting in 2019 in order to update newly designated high priority lakes with endangered and threatened ACPF species. The project seeks to use the vast amount of data collected on high priority lakes and wetlands and use it to take conservation action tailored to each location, through habitat restoration, education and outreach, and habitat protection.