
MTRI has produced a number of guides independently, and in collaboration with organizations like Parks Canada, Environment Canada, and other eNGOs and community groups.

Some of our works include our Species at Risk Guide, Healthy Lakes and Wetlands: Landowner Stewardship Guide, Guide to FSC Certification and many more. You can view some of these below and contact us to order your own copy.


Click on the photo to view the guide online.

Atlantic Coastal Plain Flora: Identification and Information Guide

This easy-to-read guide has information about Atlantic Coastal Plain Flora (ACPF) biology and conservation and includes a page for each ACPF species present in Nova Scotia with color photographs and illustrations. The 108 page guide was developed by Megan Crowley and Lindsey Beals through funding from Environment Canada's Habitat Stewardship Program for Species at Risk. MTRI is grateful for the contributions of members of the Atlantic Coastal Plain Flora Recovery team, partners and volunteers who contributed to the development of the guide.

Click on the photo to view the guide online.

Species at Risk in Nova Scotia: Identification and Information Guide

This handy and easy-to-read guide, by Megan Crowley and Brennan Caverhill, has a page describing each species at risk in Nova Scotia. The full colour booklet can be purchased from us at MTRI, but is free to anyone who volunteers for our endangered species programs. Please contact us if you would like a copy.

Click on the photo to view the guide online


Invasive Species in Nova Scotia: Identification and Information Guide (Second Edition)

MTRI partnered with the Nova Scotia Invasive Species Council to produce the second edition of the Nova Scotia Invasive Species Guide. Invasive species are plants, animals and micro-organisms that have been introduced into areas beyond their native range and negatively impact the environment, the economy, or society. This guide highlights how to identify and prevent the spread the most prominent invasive species in Nova Scotia. It outlines some of the impacts and threats presented by these species, and identifies stewardship actions that we can all take to help provide healthy and vibrant ecosystems for future generations. Remember: Spread the word, not the species!

Click on the photo to view the guide online.

Healthy Lakes and Wetlands For Tomorrow: A Landowner Stewardship Guide for Species at Risk (Second Edition)

This resource is a great companion for the species at risk in Nova Scotia ID guide. It is written specifically for landowners in Nova Scotia who wish to learn how to live in harmony with their environment, and all the creatures great and small who share the land with them. The full colour booklet is available for FREE when you express interest in stewardship. Please contact us if you would like a copy, or email the author, Megan Crowley, at

Please click on the picture to view an online version of the brochure.

A Landowner's Introduction to Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA)

Nova Scotia's Eastern Hemlock is a foundational species in Eastern Canada and some of the last remaining old-growth forests. they perform unique ecological functions. HWA is a small, invasive, aphid-like pest that causes decline and eventual death to our Eastern hemlock. HWA was first identified in Nova Scotia in 2017. 

This brochure gives landowners an introduction to this invasive pest. To learn more about HWA, and how to report HWA found on your property, please visit the Nova Scotia Hemlock website

Click on the photo to view the guide online.

Guide to FSC Certification for Woodlot Owners in Nova Scotia

MTRI has collaborated with several individuals and organizations to produce a concise guide to Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification for small woodlots owners in Nova Scotia. The guide outlines what certification is about and how woodlot owners can get their woodlot certified. It also looks at the principles and science FSC certification is based upon, and what it means to woodland owners in terms of on-the-ground management. The guide can be obtained free of charge from MTRI, or you can download a copy by clicking on the image.

Click on the photo to view the guide online.

Common Ferns of Southwest Nova Scotia: Identification and Information

Useful information for users of the Forest Ecosystem Classification system and for wetland delineation purposes.