Staff Bio for Lauren Lawrence

Lauren Lawrence

Lauren spent the majority of her childhood outside - Playing in the woods, rollerblading the roads to save caterpillars trying to cross, and "catching and releasing" frogs and snakes. Lauren went on to complete a BSc in Biology at Acadia University and the Wildlife Conservation Technology program at Holland College. In 2018, Lauren began working with The Confederacy of Mainland Mi'kmaq as part of their Mi'kmaw Conservation Group Program (MCG) where she worked as a Coastal Restoration Project Coordinator for 3 years. She currently works as a Resource Management Officer for Parks Canada, doing species at risk and environmental monitoring work in Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site. Outside of work, Lauren can still often be found outside enjoying nature - camping with friends, relaxing/working around the yard, or out and about with her dogs, Mersey and Keji.