Staff Bio for Mary Jane Rodger

Mary Jane Rodger
Board Member

Mary Jane was inspired to pursue forestry following a long career tree planting in BC and Alberta. After graduating from the University of Toronto with a Masters in Forest Conservation, she headed to the opposite coast, taking the role as the General Manager at the Medway Community Forest Cooperative (MCFC) in Caledonia, Queens Co. Now the MCFC’s Executive Director, MJ spends most of her time collaborating with partners and sparking innovation in forest management, and utilizing ecosystem-based practices to manage the MCFC’s 15,000 ha Crown License area. MJ is also the Executive Director at the Nova Scotia Working Woodlands Trust, an new organization the MCFC is incubating to help private woodlot owners place working forest easements on their woodlands and access carbon markets. Mary Jane took an active role in Nova Scotia’s recent independent review of forest practices, and is a current member of the Minister of Lands and Forestry’s advisory committee for its implementation. Mary Jane resides in rural Lunenburg Co. with her partner, two horses and border collie cross, Pearl.